Web Sites
- Footwear of the Middle Ages (via Wayback Machine)
- Pictures of shoemakers: Marc Carlson (via Wayback Machine) and Mac
- Medieval Turn Shoes or Shoes for Everyone!
- Where Are the Elves? This site is still active, but alas, none of its pages are to be found. I found it useful and informative, even though it seems to be a neglected blog. Perhaps the individual pages will return, e.g., http://wherearetheelves.net/late-14th-century-low-shoe/
- Marquita Volken on Facebook and her Gentle Craft - Shoe Museum
- ANA Period Shoes on Facebook
- The Honourable Cordwainers' Company and The Crispin Colloquy
- Stefan's Florilegium Archive (search on keyword shoes)
- High & late medieval shoes A huge collection of medieval shoes from museums, posted on Facebook
Leather and Leatherworking
- Period Leatherworking Techniques (via Wayback Machine)
- Medieval Leatherwork
- Medieval Leatherworking (via Wayback Machine)
- Leatherworking in the Middle Ages
- Leather Types and Terminology
- The International Internet Leathercrafters' Guild
- Leather tanning - Medieval to Edwardian
- Archaeological Leather Group
Dying Leather
- "Adding Colour to a Drab Leather World," a class handout on medieval leather dyes by Dafydd ap Alan.
- Viking-Era Footwear Finder, an "interactive map of archaeological shoe finds from the Norse Sphere, c.700-1100 CE."
Last updated Sept. 19, 2022.