Shoes by Robert

Beati sutores in æternum.

Christmas Slippers

When I visited the Tandy store in October, I bought a sheepskin with the idea of making slippers for everyone in the family, modeled on their 13th-century shoe patterns. I started with my lady's size.

What a disaster.

Well, maybe not a disaster, but certainly a FAIL when it came to the end result.

Probably naively, I simply cut the sheepskin to the size I'd use with normal leather, for the uppers. I used a whipstitch for the side seams, because the leather itself is rather thin, and then stitched on the soles, no problem there.

Turning was a bit messy with the soggy wool, although I tried to soak just the sole in order to minimize the amount of wool that would have to dry.

After turning, the shoes looked perfectly fine, but when tried on, they were nowhere even close to fitting my lady, nor were they even close to fitting my youngest daughter. They look nice enough so maybe I can find a toddler who can wear them.

I had thought that the wool would compress more than it does, but there's way too much of it. If trying this again, I'll have to get a sheared skin.

Last updated April 17, 2018.

Pattern traced onto sheepskin.
Uppers cut from sheepskin.
Sole stitched to sheepskin upper.
Ready to turn.
Completed, but not even close to the right size.